Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Home made dry shampoo

Have you heard all the fuss about dry shampoo?  It’s seems like it’s all anybody talks about these days: dry shampoo this, dry shampoo that.  What’s the world coming to?
dry shampoo
I’ll tell you what all the fuss is about: all the fuss is about catching an extra 15 minutes of snooze time in the morning.
You know those days you have a hard time getting out of bed, you miss the alarm, and you throw your hair back in a ponytail to hide the grease?  That’s where dry shampoo comes in.  Sprinkle a little bit of this stuff on and you’re out the door with grease-free locks in a jiffy.  Love that.
dry shampoos
The thing is this: dry shampoo is pricey.  And you know how I don’t love the pricey.  I figured it wasn’t rocket science to make your own, and guess what?
I was right.
Here are the ingredients to make your own dry shampoo:
  • 2 Tablespoons Cornstarch
  • 2 Tablespoons Baking Soda
  • 2 Tablespoons Cornmeal
  • 2 Tablespoons Ground Oatmeal
  • A salt shaker type container to store dry shampoo
You probably have all of this lurking in your pantry.
Step 1:
Grind up oatmeal in a blender.  You want it to be fine enough to be able to go through a salt shaker, so give it some time in the blender.
home made dry shampoo
Step 2:
Measure out 2 tablespoons each of: cornstarch, cornmeal, baking soda and the ground up oatmeal.  Mix it all together in a bowl and you’ve got yourself some dry shampoo.
salt shakers
Step 3:
Pour your fancy new dry shampoo into a container.  You want this to be something you can use over and over again, in the bathroom in your morning rush, so put it into a reusable salt shaker or something of the sort.
dirty hair
Step 4:
Behold the greasy hair.
{Balding due to my favorite neighborhood disease, Lupus.  Don’t make any comments about it, I’m extra sensitive.}
Step 4 is all about embracing the fact that greasy hair is not desirable.  Skip straight to Step 5 for the skinny.
Step 5:
Sprinkle some dry shampoo onto your hand.  Or sprinkle it straight onto your scalp.  This is your head, I’ll let you make the executive decisions here.
what is dry shampooing
Now this part, it’s a little ugly.  This is where you have enough stuff in your hair to feel like you have really bad dandruff.
This too shall pass.
how to use dry shampoo
You might want to do this over a sink or tub, it’s a tiny bit messy.
Step 6:
using dry shampoo
Scrub your head like you would in the shower, all lathered up.  This is where all the ingredients you’ve so carefully blended gather all the oils on the top of your head.
Step 7:
Now brush.  Use a bristle brush or it won’t work properly. Again, do this over a sink or tub.  Brush like you’ve got the wind at your back.  You need to get all this stuff off your scalp, and hurry!
Not really, but you get the idea.
hair brush
Step 8:
That’s it!  You’re all dry shampooed.  And even if you don’t smell like a million bucks, you sure look like it.
Style your hair like you normally would, and pat yourself on the back for the extra 15 minutes of sleep you managed to score.  You’re smart like that.
cleaning hair with dry shampoo
Dry shampoo, in 10 steps or less.
Article by Allison Czarnecki at Petit elefant

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